Pink Panther

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Pink Panther

There are, as you know only too well, many funny animals in this world. There are rhinoceroses, there are tigers, there are cats, there are mink. But, when you stop and think about all the animals that you’ve ever heard about, can you honestly say you’ve ever seen such a thing as a panther that isn’t spotted, that isn’t black, but that is pink? And that’s positively, not negatively, pink. Well he is. And, what’s more he’s pretty rinky-dink. Plus, in addition to being in the pink, he’s a groovy cat. In fact, he’s a gentleman, he’s a scholar, and he’s an acrobat. All of which is why you want to be wearing are the one, the only, the truly original … Sons of Gotham Pink Panther T Shirts! Even if you can’t be panther pink from your head to your toes, the Pink Panther Tees will keep you in the pink from your neck to your waist.

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